Around the World in a Day

Around the World in a Day

“Around the World in a Day” is an event aimed at allowing art and psychoanalysis to play together.

The people who volunteered to organize this International event are part of the International Psychoanalytic Studies Organization (IPSO), which brings together thousands of candidates in psychoanalytic training from the International Psychoanalytic Association, founded by Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung in 1910.

A large group of psychoanalysts from the five Continents are gathering to make this event possible.

We believe that the Coronavirus crisis is affecting more than our physical health and social interactions, it is also affecting our cultural life. It increases primitive fears, causes social withdrawal and hinders people’s ability to engage and relate in a transitional, common playground. Human contact, psychical as well as physical, that usually nurtures life, may now trigger fears and persecutory anxieties.

Our bodies no longer move much and have to reduce their expressiveness; minds and relationships suffer from this deprivation. The closure of cinemas, theaters, squares, children’s playgrounds, schools, psychoanalytic centers, etc. may cause and reproduce at the same time both individual and collective cumulative trauma.


In the encounter with the uncanny, both, psychoanalysis and art endeavors to find ways to represent the experience. Psychoanalysis meets the art in a space where both endeavor to find transformative potential. Looking inward and outward, they are trying to find ways of expressing their encounter with the unknown; finding expression and interpretation for what was experienced as unrepresented.

The very nature of art and psychoanalysis is evolutionary because it is constantly questioning the states of being and, in turn, it is questioned by them. In this way, both psychoanalysis and art are inherently engaged with the process of how transformation happens. In the relational field, artistic and analytic creative process finds common ground, bringing emotion into play, and thereby its potential to become thinkable.


IPSO offers a dialogical platform to psychoanalysts and artists to reflect upon the nature of creative processes within the context of contemporary reality.  6 webinars covering 6 different time zones, connecting candidates, psychoanalysts, artists and a wider audience from the 5 continents, in a one-day virtual trip around the world.

Our aim is to make a journey through the creative process. We propose not only to discuss the meaning of creativity, but also to meet within a creative encounter for all, as a vaccine for the mind.


WHEN: 20th of March 2021


WHERE: the Zoom platform.


Register on IPSO website:

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Monica Bomba – IPSO Vice President for Europe

Thomas Marcacci – IPSO Editor Elect


Download the brochure of our event “Around the World in a Day”

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